blast of april

Banyak terima kasih yaa petongers :)

These are the untold thanks from me.

Makasih semua, untuk ucapan 00.00, the morning call, post di blog, kalung cantiknya, voicenotes dan segala galanya. All the best for you.

it's a life journal, in case you forgot

Apa yang tertulis sekarang, ya sosok yang sekarang ada. Yang lalu-lalu memang masih ada history nya. Jangan menarik kesimpulan sendiri.
 You could ruin someone's life by a word  you say to others, just in case you forgot. Just in case you don't know how it feels living in pain, shame, regrets.


bienvenida, april. may our relationship be as sweet as lollipop and as strong as superhero.

Dear April,

        We meet again, April. It's been a long time since we met last year. It has been about 12 months. So, in order to celebrate our 15th meeting in my life, I'm about to ask you some things. Hopefully, you will grant some of them. I'm not going to ask you to fulfill them all but at least, you know what I've been hoping for. Shall we begin The Wishes of Mine?
         Here we go. For sure, I'm hoping the best for my family, friends, even strangers I met on the street, to have a wonderful life, make sure they keep our earth green, and live in peace, not rest. Then, I would like to have a best friend. Just one, if you say I'm better off with two, then let it be, actually it's according to what you think it's the best. And if you send me a best friend this time, I promise you I will be true to them, and will never  ever betray our friendship. And if the best friend I have right now is the one, then let me fulfill my promise.
         April, I also embrace the beauty of you, and hoping for God's help to guide me and sanmarians also, facing one of the most important exam. Lead us not to temptation such as laziness, inattentive, etc. Teach us not to ask, but to be thankful. Not to cry, but to chin up and be strong. Not to ask for love, but to love endlessly. Not to revile, but to sing.
         It's not February, A. Yes, I know. For that, I'm not going to wish for any love beside the love of family, friends, and the world peace. So, I'm just gonna leave it to you, whether there will be a lover or not. But if you really consider about what's the best about love this time, thank's super lot on your consideration. Every cupids will always be accepted here, but don't send them if it's not the time, someone's life could have been tortured. And may there will be no tears, no pains, no heart ache, no broken hearts, no self-destruction, no betrayal, and no more fake love.
         There's so much more to ask, April. But that's all for now.

Best Regards,


Have an awesome year!

Thank's Alisya Marsella for the treat :)

Selamat ulang tahun juga para Pisces dan Aries, dan segenap mahluk dunia yang berulangtahun!

look around!

Sepuluh fakta mbakku, teman menyiram tanaman soreku.

1. Truly Maroon5 number one fan. Yap, mbak gue satu ini hafal semua lagu Maroon5.

2. Gak suka sinetron, dan lebih prefer HIMYM, Revenge, Castle 3, America's Next Top Model. Keren sangat yah. Ke-high-class-annya yang beda dari sembilan mbak yang pernah menetap, bikin si mbak jadi temen nonton yang paling enak.

3. Super duper baik. Satu malam dia bercerita,
"Na, tau gak mbak yang di rumah seberang?"
"Tauu, yang kecil itu."
"Iya, mbak tadi ngobrol. Ternyata anak majikannya galak banget."
"Iya? Memang diapain?!" Tanya gue panik. Berharap keselamatan nyawa untuk mbak seberang itu.
"Yah, pokoknya galak. Berarti mbak enak dong yah beruntung kerja disini."
Ah ya ampun mbak kalau aku super baik, gak akan mbak jadi orang ke sepuluh disini, pikir gue. Ya meskipun sebagian besar mereka semua gak betah bukan semata-mata karna kekejaman gue.

4. Full of random statements. Entah karena emang gak ada kerjaan atau emang itulah yang muncul di benaknya, random question selalu ada. Biasanya dia mengadakan kunjungan ke kamar belajar dan memulai random Q's and A's nya itu.
"Mbak kalo ditaro di Afrika paling cantik kali yah? Ya gak?" Tanyanya polos.
"Yaampun mbak abis nonton apaan?" Astagahh kenapa dia mau ke Afrikaaa, salah apalagi gue.
"Yah, gak nonton apa-apa, cuman pengen nanya." Sambil melemparkan senyumnya.

5. Always a cup of Good Morning, and a glass of Good Night. Mbak satu ini berdedikasi banget soal bahasa. Selain makanan sehari-harinya itu lagu-lagu barat, gaya bahasanya juga gakmau kalah. Tiap pagi, "Good Morning Ce!" dan malemnya "Good Night!"

6. Hangat dan friendly. Bukan anget secara harafiah. Dia ini gampang banget bertemen. Pulang sekolah gue bawa beberapa mahluk, entah buat bikin tugas ato sekedar main. Sesaat gue tinggal mandi, dan gue kembali dengan si mbak udah ngobrol ngalor ngidul sama mereka. Bahkan dia tau, siapa pacarnya ini pacarnya itu. Boleh juga buat menumpas rumor yang tak terbilang.

7. Quick Learner. Dikasih buku resep setebal apapun bakal dikuasain, dan hasil karyanya juga amazing. Thank's God dapur gue belom jadi drive thru kfc.

8. Rajin lari pagi! Dalam seminggu dia sudah menguasai daerah Tomang melebihi gue sampe pelosok-pelosok. Se-complicated itukah Tomang -__- Emang ga ada tandingannya gaya hidup sehat wanita karir ini ckck dan saking terkenalnya, hansip komplek rela memberikan bunga kambojanya buat ditanem di rumah.

9. Menjabat sejumlah jabatan di rumah. Tukang pijet, kerok, nyalon, masak, tukang kebun. The best lah.

10. Ringtone hapenya SNSD.

Sekian, dan masih banyak jasa-jasa tak terlupakanmu, mbak. Salam sayang! :*